As a pet owner your opinions matter and by joining PetsPanel, you can share these opinions on a diverse range of topics whilst also being paid for doing so.
Once you have registered to become a member of PetsPanel, you will receive emails inviting you to participate in surveys. This will only happen from time to time and most surveys take around 10 minutes to do. For completing each survey, you will earn money which can be redeemed in a variety of ways.
Surveys may involve evaluating new products which are not on the market yet, so you may have the opportunity to gain insight on new product innovation. In other instances, you may be given the opportunity to express your opinion on existing products, discuss your pet’s habits and behaviours or your own preferences on how to take care of them.
Surveys give organisations the chance to find out what your views and opinions are, enabling you to play a key part in future developments.
PetsPanel is dedicated to market research only, so there is no selling, advertising or promotional activities involved. And we will never disclose any personal details. If you have any questions or if you wish to learn more please feel free to contact us.
PetsPanel is owned and managed by CM Research ltd.